Tuesday 22 May 2012

meaning of Goodbye

Askum.....xnk jwb? xpe xdosa pun sb ungkapan yg sy bgi pun xpenuh & xmembawa erti..

Assalamualaikum Warahmatuallah'hiwabarakatu...yg ni xjwb dosa dosa dosa ni :P
ahha siapala sy ingin menilai ttg dosa pahala kalian :) terpulang la enti entun semua nk bls ke xnk..
setelah sekian lama x update (rase2 stiap kali entry pun ayat same) kalau dh pemalas tegar tu mmg jgk la kan..ohoks! tepu dahi tanya selere...selere pun boleh cik bunga daun keladi ke laut~ mcm biasa starting mmg suka dulu melalut..

So kenapa dgn goodbye? pernah x korg  dgr org ckp perkataan HELLO & Goodbye ni xelok disebutkan..ofcourse lah menjadi tanda tanya kt kita kan kan apedehal lak xboleh sebut? sibuk je.. yg psl hello tu ape yg aku tau la kwn aku time belajar dkt foundation dulu tp skrg dia dh dkt egypt smbung medic sane..(lambai tangan kat legend kita ni haha) dia pernah tegur aku jgn ckp hello time agkt call ke atau ckp gn spe2 sbb maksudnye kita ckp kt kwn kita "CELAKA LA BUAT KAMU" pstu kalau kawan kita bls elok sgt la 2x5 kene setepek kt kita balik "CELAKA LA BUAT KAMU JUGA" korg ckp hello ni dlm keadaan happy2kan? pdhl tula korg ckp sbnrnyee =,,= wahahha..kesian jgk buat aku yg jahil ni pun bru tau,bru x bru tahun lepas lah tau psl ni..ihiks..

and nk dijadikan cerita jgk psl goodbye plak Allah tu lorongkan aku untuk ingin tahu psl goodbye pulak tahun ni dgn sendiri..tapi xcukup mendalam & kene tanya org yg lebih arif..ni just sekadar share yg aku cari2 sendiri..

mcm aku post td "the origin of the word 'Goodbye' is the phrase 'God be with ye'

I've heard more than once that goodbye is a contraction of "God be with ye," and even that it was a slang word that came into wide use while being strongly frowned upon by upright Christian citizens. Where does it really come from?
Yes, goodbye (or good-bye) is a contraction of "God be with ye (you)." The first use of a contracted form of "God be with ye" is recorded in a letter written by Gabriel Harvey in 1575: "To requite your gallonde of godbwyes, I regive you a pottle of howedyes." From the 16th to the 18th century, this contraction was spelled in many different ways: godbwye, god b'uy, god buye, god b'wy. The change from god to good, reflected in the spelling good-bye/good-by, was not fully established until the beginning of the 19th century, probably influenced by previously existing phrases such as "good day" and "good night."
Another example of the change from god to good is Good Friday, originally written god Friday, and literally meaning 'holy or sacred Friday'. But why the change from god to good? Though derived from different Indo-European roots, the words god/God and good were usually spelled identically (as god) in Middle English, and so there was confusion and overlap between these two words. The spelling good first appeared about 1250, becoming the established spelling about 1450. Adding to the confusion was the obvious notion that God is good.
According to the century-old Century Dictionary, good-bye was "originally a pious form of valediction, used in its full significance, but now a mere conventional formula without meaning, used at parting." Actually good-bye was a rather new English word at the time the Pilgrims sailed for America. According to Stuart Flexner, former editor-in-chief of Random House Dictionaries, "Slang is as old as English itself...American kids have been speaking a language of their own since they annoyed their Pilgrim parents at Plymouth Rock...It offended Puritan parents that their Pilgrim children took their traditional farewell--God be with you--and turned it into good-bye."
There are many other examples of the contraction of a phrase into a word. In fact the excerpt from Gabriel Harvey's letters quoted above has another familiar contraction: the form howedye (now spelled howdy) comes from the phrase "How do ye?" And in another of Harvey's letters, he writes: "Youre Latine Farewell is a goodly brave yonkerly piece of work, and goddilge yee, I am always marvellously beholding unto you, for your bountifull Titles." Here, goddilge yee, an obsolete expression of gratitude, is yet another example of a contraction, this one from the phrase "God yield (or reward) you." 

ni hanyala sekadar jumpaan info aku di alam maya,
selebihnye mmg kne tanya yg lebih arif lagi bijaksana bijaksini
ape yg aku ingin highlight kan kt sini perkataan ni asalnye dari penganut agama Kristian yg tegar..
so pasni belajo lah kurang2kan ke xyh lgsg gune perkataan Goodbye ni.. 
aku pun still lgi byk benda nk kne belajar&improve diri..Wallahualam..
kalau ade salah silap tu sila2kan tegur :)

okay2 b4 tu korg dh tgok Debat Ptptn tu,fuhh best wooo mmg tertarik menarik mmg roti canai boom betul
kalau yg belum tengok boleh ke link (mcm bunyi keling pun ade) ni http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/22776393 tp yg ni 2nd punya yg 1st and 3rd sendiri cari la nti korg bukak yg 1st mesti jumpe yg sekutu dgn nye jgk..

okaylah,dh lewat benor kt sini..harus gue masuk tidur dlu~

Walaikumusalam :)

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